

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Retracing - What is Retracing


Dr. B.J. Palmer wrote the following information during the early development of Upper Cervical Care as an art and science.You may be impressed with the different writing style in which it is presented. Keep in mind that his words are as true today as they were years ago. The laws of nature remain consistent.

“As it took time for the condition to change from health to a maximum degree
of abnormality, it takes time to RETRACE BACK TO HEALTH.”

Retracing: Cycles of Repair
What do we mean by retracing? Primarily it implies going over ground which has already been covered until the individual reaches the point from which he started.When a patient is under Upper Cervical care, it often occurs that he exhibits symptoms that have not manifested themselves for months, or even years. His first impression is that he is becoming worse, but he is retracing the several stages through which his disease progressed in the making.
The question of time is essential in the matter of retracing. If a disease has been in progress for a number of years, the patient should not always expect to regain the normal state within a few days. As it took time for the condition of the patient to change from health to a maximum degree of abnormality, so it takes time to retrace from the abnormal condition back to health.

What The Upper Cervical Doctor Does
The Upper Cervical Doctor is thoroughly trained to detect the abnormal positions of the vertebrae in the spine. He is further trained in the technique of restoring these vertebrae to their normal positions. The question naturally arises in the mind of the patient as to why the Upper Cervical Doctor cannot return the vertebra immediately to its normal position and thus immediately restore the tissue to a healthy state.
What actually happens when an adjustment is given is the vertebra is returned toward its normal position. When an adjustment is done, the ligaments and muscles are given an opportunity to regain, in part, their normal tone, and this permits them to hold the vertebra in a more nearly normal state.

Various Stages
Different stages of the disease give rise to different symptoms, and as the order reverses itself, symptoms
which were present, perhaps years ago, may again occur. If the vertebra is being returned rapidly toward its
normal position, an entire series of symptoms may develop at one time and the patient consequently will believe his is getting worse.
As a matter of fact, the outlook is particularly bright at this time, and the patient should realize this fact.
Naturally, if he does not understand the condition, he will assume that he is becoming worse and may stop
chiropractic care entirely. It cannot be made too emphatic that this is the very time when he should
continue with chiropractic care, because the results are being obtained which will do the greatest good.

Response Varies
The time consumed in the recovery does not always correspond to the time consumed in the production of
the disease. As a general thing, however, it may be stated that acute diseases respond rapidly, while chronic
cases of long standing are slower in their response.
Some abnormalities show very extensive involvement of tissues, while others show very little involvement of
tissues. In any involvement of tissues, the structures must retrace the various steps through which it passed
in assuming its normal condition. This is well shown by the various eruptions on the skin where tissue
gradually changes and becomes abnormal, reaching its greatest degree of abnormality and then returns
through the steps that it has covered in its appearance until the skin again becomes normal.This is equally true
of those tissues in the body that are not visible.

Points To Remember
The spine,however, and the body in general is subject to more or less strain during the every day life, and it is
possible that the vertebra may recede toward its old abnormal position, thereby necessitating another
adjustment. Keep in mind that tissues often must be rebuilt in order for the vertebra to hold its normal
position. In addition, tissues that have perhaps for years assumed an abnormal condition, due to the gradually
increasing pressure upon the nerve fibers, must be allowed time to return through the various stages
they have passed in the production of the abnormality. This all takes time, and patience becomes a cardinal
virtue, based on the knowledge that all is progressing as it should.

Must Be Retracing
It is immaterial whether the disease is one of long standing or an acute condition.There must be retracing
in the position of the vertebra and in whatever structural or functional change has occurred. Naturally, this is
true, there must be a retracing in the symptoms. In acute cases they may be so slight in degree that they
pass unnoticed.
Finally, every Upper Cervical patient should realize the necessity for continuing with Upper Cervical care,
even though you cannot note the progress made from day to day, or even though you believe the condition is
worse. It is essential for this period of retracing to be passed through, and do not allow any temporary
discouragement to preclude the ultimate health which will be yours if you continue.

Gradual Retracing
It can thus readily be seen that there is a gradual retracing in the position of the vertebra from the time
when it attains the maximum degree, to the time when it returns again to normal.There is also a retracing in the
condition of the tissues that are supplied by the nerve fibers impinged. They have gradually attained a
maximum degree of abnormality and must return through those various stages by which they progressed
in the attainment of that abnormality. Not only is there retracing so far as the vertebrae are concerned and the
tissue cells affected by the subluxation, but there is also a retracing in the symptoms exhibited by the patient.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Stomach Sleeping: When you lay on your stomach and sleep, you are forced to turn your head severely to one side or the other.  Can you imagine how horrible you would feel if you sat at a computer like that all day?  Stomach sleeping is a major contributor to chronic neck pain and muscle tightness.  It is also one of the reasons that some patients do NOT hold their upper cervical adjustments very well.  So if you are doing it.  STOP!

Too Many Pillows: What’s with all the pillows?  Some people act like it’s a competition to see who can sleep with the most pillows.  The problem with too many pillows is bad posture position it puts you in. Too many pillows for a side sleeper laterally flexes the head and can cause neck pain and muscle tightness.  Too many pillows for a back sleeper will push the head forward and contribute to forward head posture and ultimately the dreaded “hunch.” NO ONE wants the hunch.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Your Nervous System is the wiring that controls your entire body.

There are 4 things that every person needs to live: Food, Water, Air and Nerve Supply. The first three are fairly common knowledge, but the last one is often overlooked. The nervous system is the most important system of the body because everything else hinges on it. If the nervous system is not firing on all cylinders, it is possible that the rest of the body will not be working correctly. We see the practical evidence of this with spinal cord injuries. People like Christopher Reeves not only experience paralysis from an injury to their central nervous system, but they experience damage to their respiratory system, digestive system and immune system as well. Because of the connection between the nervous system and the rest of the body, any interference or irritation to the nervous system makes it impossible for the body to function properly. This makes maintaining a properly functioning nervous system a top priority for anyone striving to regain their health or maintain optimal health.

Holding proper head/neck alignment over time allows your body to heal.

One of our goals is to get all of our patients to hold their Upper Cervical correction for as long as possible. This means that we want them to be able to go for extended periods of time without the need to get a correction. For a lot of people who have never had Upper Cervical Care before, they will have to allow their body a little time to get used to the care before their correction will start to hold. But it’s not the correction itself that makes Upper Cervical patients well, it’s their body remaining free from nerve interference and body imbalance over a period of time that makes them well. Now I want to clarify that I’m not suggesting that Upper Cervical patients only get adjusted when they are having symptoms. Upper Cervical doctors have ways of detecting whether or not a patient needs to have a correction. Once a patient has gone through their initial care and it has been determined that they are holding their correction, their Upper Cervical check-ups will be scheduled accordingly. Even if our patients are completely symptom free we encourage them to continue to get an Upper Cervical check-up every 3 to 6 months to ensure that their body is holding the correction and that they are not falling back into the same pattern that lead them into our office in the first place.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Q&A

Who can benefit from NUCCA?

Short Answer: Anyone who wants their body to function effectively should be assessed. Treatment will only be provided to those who are found to have a measurable need for care.
Long Answer: Although upper cervical chiropractors often end up seeing patients with fairly significant discomfort, the assessment that occurs allows the practitioner the ability to visualize and reduce the misalignment long before symptoms are present. The postural rebalancing created by the upper cervical adjustment allows for the body to have less gravitational stress and therefore the person can direct that now unused energy to self-healing, maintenance and thinking.

Can children benefit from NUCCA procedures?

Short Answer: Yes, we believe all children should have the benefit of a properly balanced body.
Long Answer: Children can be adjusted using the NUCCA procedure right from birth. Often children do not need the full NUCCA assessment as their many simple reflexes that can be checked, allowing for a modified exam. Due to the tendency for a child's misalignment to have been present for a relatively short period of time the misalignment is typically less complex. Children also generally respond more quickly to adjustments and usually require fewer adjustments to attain spinal stability. A fabulous textbook on kinematic imbalances in children, their effects and treatment was published by the German medical physician Heiner Biedermann (Manual Therapy in Children).

What makes NUCCA chiropractic spinal care unique compared to other care?

Short Answer: There are many forms of spinal health care today. Many focus on addressing local joint function mobility by administering a short, quick thrust to a localized area. NUCCA Chiropractors influence the entire spinal columns postural balance by returning the heavy head to a more balanced position on top of the narrow neck.
Long Answer: Generally the approach to the care of the spine is in two different ways. The majority of practitioners attempt to influence the spine in areas of segmental or local fixations to increase mobility and hope for improved structural stability. NUCCA, (as well as a few other chiropractic techniques), approach the spine with the ability to improve structural and sustained postural balance that leads to improved spinal stability along with balanced mobility. The benefit of NUCCA care is that long term spinal balance is maintained and that produces improved overall health and well-being. All spinal practitioners agree that spinal care is important. The approaches vary from localized segmental care of many providers to the NUCCA practitioners that offer upper cervical care that affects the whole body balance and the long term spinal stability.

How can I tell if I need an adjustment?

Short Answer: Be assessed by a NUCCA trained chiropractor so that it can be determined whether or not an adjustment is indicated.
Long Answer: By paying attention to your body, you may become more sensitive to whether or not you are in alignment. Although some rely on the return of their symptoms to tell them when they've lost their alignment, we recommend patients to pay attention to their reflection in the mirror; paying attention to head tilt or a low shoulder for example. Other cues may include where they feel their weight distributed on their feet, or if a change in gait is observed. More subtle indications may even include having to adjust your car rearview and side mirrors. Even with all of these clues, it is still recommended that periodic chiropractic assessments be performed to verify proper balance.

My neck feels fine but my low back is sore. How can NUCCA help my lower back?

Short Answer: When posture is corrected, the entire body rebalances resulting in less stress to all areas including your low back.
Long Answer: Your postural muscles are constantly working to maintain an upright posture. Postural distortion results in uneven weight distribution over all of your joint surfaces. The muscles throughout your neck, back, arms and legs will compensate for this shift in weight. Pain will show up in the area of greatest breakdown. The reduction of postural distortion provided by the NUCCA procedure decreases the stress on all areas of the body and allows for the possible relief of pain and proper healing. For detailed statistics on the likelihood of positive response to a variety of conditions click here.

What can I expect after my adjustment?

Short Answer: NUCCA has been shown to be very effective in reducing postural distortion. Whether or not a person's postural distortion is related to symptoms they are exhibiting can only be determined by improving the posture and observing changes.
There are three possible effects that are demonstrated after an adjustment;
  1. Person feels no significant change.
  2. Person feels a change in symptoms with immediate improvement.
  3. Person experiences new short-term symptoms associated with functioning in a new structural position.
Long Answer: Responses to the adjustment vary from nothing, to muscle soreness, and from fatigue to a feeling of euphoria. Due to these individualized responses all patients are given a list of things they may experience so they are familiar with what responses are normal to expect. Due to the significant postural rebalancing that occurs with the upper cervical adjustment people will often feel stiff and sore for 2-4 days as the body adapts to its new position. This discomfort is usually associated only with the first and/or second adjustment.

How can such a light pressure make such dramatic changes?

Short Answer: For the same reason why one is able to move a pile of heavy bricks with a light push of a wheelbarrow: leverage.
Long Answer: Although the patient feels only a slight pressure behind their ear while being adjusted, there is adequate force being put into the neck. Using the first vertebra and the weight of the head to gain a biomechanical advantage, the doctor places their own body on a calculated angle to ensure the adjustment is specific to the patient's individual misalignment. The force generated by the doctor is transferred to the patient in such a gentle and precise fashion that many patients are unaware of any intervention whatsoever.

Do I get adjusted each visit?

Short Answer: You are only adjusted when the objective findings indicate you are subluxated (i.e. postural distortion, a contractured/shortened leg).
Long Answer: How often you get adjusted is directly related to your body's ability to maintain your alignment. You will be given recommendations throughout your period of care in the office which is intentioned to help you achieve and maintain an aligned state. Our goal is to adjust you as few times as possible, however quarterly to semi-annual assessments are usually recommended to assure that any progress isn't lost along the way.

What can cause me to lose my alignment?

Short Answer: Thoughts, traumas, and toxins are all stressors that can contribute to a misaligned state.
Long Answer: After your first adjustment in our office you will be given recommendations regarding daily activities to help maintain alignment. The three T's (thoughts, traumas and toxins) are all contributors to maintaining or losing alignment. Thoughts include negativity or stress Ð think about the tightness in your shoulders after a long day at work. Have you ever considered what those muscles are connected to? Traumas are a more obvious cause, however doesn't necessarily have to be a car accident or fall. Daily repetitive postures or movements can be considered an ongoing traumatic event. Toxins can be dietary or environmental and can also play a role in maintaining or losing alignment due to the stress they place on your body's systems.

How long until I am better?

Short Answer: Healing is individual and there are many contributing factors. The more personal responsibility the patient assumes in this process, generally the better the results.
Long Answer: The healing process takes time. If you were to break an arm, the medical physician would cast it and you would be instructed to keep it in the cast for approximately six to eight weeks. That is because this is the typical healing time for bone. When dealing with spinal misalignment, the integrity of the musculature and ligaments has been compromised and you must allow adequate time for these structures to heal in the aligned position. The longer your spine has been out of alignment, the more possible damage has occurred and therefore the more required healing time.

Is it true that if you see a chiropractor once you have to go for the rest of your life?

Short Answer: No, however often people who experience chiropractic recognize the health benefits and choose a lifestyle that includes lifelong chiropractic care.
Long Answer: There is a misconception that once one begins seeing a chiropractor, they need to see one for the rest of their life. A possibility for this perception may be due to the fact that the healing process requires time and multiple visits to the Chiropractor may be indicated to stabilize the spine until the body knows how to hold the spine in an aligned position on its own. The longer your spine has been breaking down (which is usually much earlier than the initial onset of symptoms), the longer it will typically take to attain a stabilized state.

If I feel relief, why do I need to come back?

Short Answer: You don't. Ongoing assessments are advised if you want to allow for optimal healing to minimize recurrence and optimize function.
Long Answer: Many feel significant relief in discomfort following the first few visits. Our goal is not just to provide relief but to create a situation where the spinal stresses that caused the issue are minimized, stabilized and you no longer need to be adjusted regularly. This level of care can involve significant work on your part. Although we can't always achieve this status with a patient, it is this situation that provides optimal long-term benefit.
Symptoms are the last to show up and the first to leave (think of how cancer or heart attacks occur). A symptom-free state does not necessarily mean healing has completed or that you are in your optimal alignment. Once your body begins showing signs that it is stabilizing and holding alignment for an extended period of time, recommended time between visits will be lengthened.

Why should I get checked when I'm feeling fine?

Short Answer: Symptoms can occur after years of altered function. We feel prevention and optimization is better that reactive, distress care.
Long Answer: Our assessment includes objective measures that are independent from subjective symptoms. It is best to be assessed periodically to ensure that if you are misaligned but non-symptomatic you can be adjusted to prevent your body from being accustomed to a misaligned state once again and avoid the spinal deterioration that often involves a return to pain.

Why are you looking at my feet if you are adjusting the top of my neck?

Short Answer: A leg length difference can be an indication of imbalance tone in your body's musculature and therefore is one of our objective measures to determine whether or not you are in need of an adjustment. After an adjustment we will often check leg-length again and find that legs to be of balanced length.
Long Answer: There are many postural muscles that are constantly contracting and relaxing in response to normal body movements to prevent us from falling over and allow us to maintain an upright posture. When our first vertebra is misaligned, the weight of the head is no longer evenly distributed over the neck and the rest of the body. The body therefore reflexively responds to this imbalance by contracting different postural muscles in its attempt to maintain an upright posture. It is the reflexive contractions of the postural muscles that result in the contracted/ shortened leg.

Is it possible for me to go in and out of alignment on my own?

Short Answer: No, a true subluxation will not realign on its own.
Long Answer: Many times patients may feel that they were "out of alignment" and they were able to regain alignment on their own. A true subluxation can only be corrected by a third party. What the individual likely felt was the adaptation of the body to stress that they were able to manage without assistance. Our goal in this office is to maintain the body in a state of reduced stress so the body can adapt to the stresses and strains of everyday life without requiring assistance to manage a breakdown.

Why are so many things positively affected by one procedure?

Short Answer: The body is self-healing and its healing capabilities are infinite. With your energy no longer being excessively re-directed to fight gravity, often the body will manage to deal with other issues as well.
Long Answer: By improving spinal alignment people experience improved posture as correction of non-adapting reflexive contracture of skeletal musculature is attained. This postural balance leads to better body-weight distribution which improves the position of internal organs and helps protect those structures acting to stabilize the spine. As less energy is required to oppose gravity, you will have more energy to think, function, heal and maintain yourself.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Where to find us...

Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?

By Dr. Zachary Ward

Are you a candidate for an upper cervical (NUCCA) spinal correction?

If you want to remove barriers to self-healing, and you can answer yes to one or more of the following questions, then you may be a candidate for our care. Please request a consultation with the doctor.

■Have you ever been told by a chiropractor, podiatrist, tailor, or seamstress that you have one leg that is shorter than the other?

■Have you ever been prescribed a heel lift for a ‘short leg’?

■When you look in the mirror do you see your head tilting toward your right or left shoulder?

■When you look in the mirror do you consistently see one shoulder that is higher?

■Do you limit carrying handbags or purses to one shoulder because the strap falls off on one side?

■For women, do you always find one bra strap falling off of one shoulder?

■When you wear a belt, do you notice that it sits higher on one hip than the other?

■When you walk do you find that your waistband tends to twist towards one side of your body, pulling the inseam out on one side?

■Do you suffer from a head, neck, back or body pain that cannot be explained by other doctors? Or pain that is not responding to other kinds of care, including traditional chiropractic?

■If you turn your head all the way to the left or right, is it easier to make this motion on one side than the other?

■Do you have pain or tenderness or a sensation of tightness at the base of the skull?

■Have you ever had a chiropractor or medical doctor diagnose you with a ‘loss of curve’ in your neck from an x-ray or MRI?

■Do have an inability to concentrate (foggy headedness) that you cannot explain?

■Do you have a neurological problem (balance, seizures, vision disturbances, cranial nerve disorders) that you want to manage with other ways than medicine?

■Have you ever sustained a whiplash injury?

■Did you have a difficult birth using forceps or vacuum extraction?

■Do you have occasional headaches or migraine headaches?

(Editor's note: These are merely indicators of body imbalance. Please remember the objective of upper cervical care is to correct head neck misalignment that is interfering with proper brain to body communication. When this is corrected the body functions at a higher level and can often correct other problems more efficiently on its own. Please do not confuse upper cervical care as a treatment for anything listed above or any other condition, disease or symptom.)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Corrects Dizziness / Vertigo

IUCCA Upper Cervical Chiropractic, a new health care technique incorporating modern computerized technology, has been effective in the treatment of vertigo syndromes, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), labyrinthitis, and Meniere's Disease. Debbie, age 51, suffered with one to two vertigo episodes per month for an entire decade. She described her benefits from upper cervical care. "Doctors diagnosed me with labyrinthitis and prescribed decongestants and anti-nausea medications which I took for ten years," she said. "After my first adjustment with Dr. Elster, I stopped taking the decongestants and the dizziness never returned." One year later, Debbie remains free from vertigo symptoms and medications.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Upper Cervical X-ray Analysis

Is your head on straight?

Is your head on straight? Hold a 6 kilogram bowling ball close or hold it away from your body. Which way will make you tired first?

Only the Atlas or Top cervical vertebra was adjusted

Only the Atlas or Top cervical vertebra was adjusted(when needed) and the intelligence from the brain was able to correct and heal the body. This is a file from the Society of Orthospinology website www.orthospinology.org and shows the amazing reabsorption of the L4 disc which had herniated into the spinal canal. The period of care for this person was 8 months. This morph of sagittal MRI taken over that period clearly serves to highlight how adjustments made to the upper cervical spine (atlas) and re-positioning of the skull so that it is placed directly over the spinal column and pelvis below it, results in complete biomechanical changes, resulting in re-alignment all the way to the base of the spine.

Alternative treatment of Bipolar Disorder / Depression

Alternative treatment of Bipolar Disorder / Depression. Dr. Erin Elster, D.C., an upper cervical specialist in Boulder, Colorado, cares for patients with various health conditions including Bipolar Disorder / Depression


A diet high in omega-3s, the fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon
as well as walnuts, appears to significantly block the negative effects
of the APOE4 gene -- the "bad" APOE gene found in 50% of all Alzheimer's
patients and in about 15% of the population.

prostate inflammation and cancer

A common health problem today is prostate inflammation and cancer.
Fortunately, this disorder is completely preventable and reversible
through a healthy lifestyle.


Previous research on the cancer-preventing benefits of broccoli has found that
overcooking broccoli results in the elimination of up to 90 percent of
the vegetable's anti-cancer compounds. However, gently cooking broccoli
in a steamer, not in the microwave, can potentially unlock more of its
anti-cancer compounds than are present when eating the vegetable raw.

cold and flu prevention guide

Read Dr. Mercola's comprehensive cold and flu prevention guide and find out how vitamin D deficiency increases your susceptibility to the cold virus.

The link between the upper neck and face pain or numbness

The link between the upper neck and face pain or numbness, or what’s called Trigeminal Neuralgia or Tic Doulereaux has been studied for many years. Face pain can be excruciating based on patient reports. This is one of the most common reasons why depression and suicide are common with this debilit



are a member of the mulberry family. They are often more available as a dried fruit, as they tend to deteriorate quickly in fresh form. Either way, they offer amazing health benefits in many areas.